Thursday, September 17, 2020

September 8 - 11

We've had a busy week with students, meeting in small groups for math and Istation instruction. Students enjoyed the story "The Invisible Boy" and learning how the author uses both text and illustrations to bring meaning to the characters. In math students learned how to take on online quiz and manipulate objects on Google Slides.

*Please make sure students have the following supplies near their work area during the school day:
      Composition books -  Word Work, Math, Writing Journal, and Math Binder with hole punched math pages from Wake County

Next week at a glance:

Letterland: Unit 3 includes double consonants and ing endings. There will be daily activities in the Word Work Journal as well as Kids A to Z spelling practice. Please make sure students take the spelling pretest and the final spelling test at the end of the week. 

EL - Unit 1 School and Community 
We will continue evaluating "The Invisible Boy" and discussing how the main character feels throughout the story.  Follow up activities will be in their journals and in the Google Classroom. 

Math - In math we will be looking at different strategies to add and subtract within 20. The strategies we will be using are making ten, counting on, relating addition to subtraction, and doubles. Please make sure students have their math pages in their binders for asynchronous time. 

Science -  We will continue with our study of our sound unit. Vocabulary that they will learn to use includes, vibration, pitch and volume. Students will be given a project at the end of the week to build an instrument at home. They will be using recycled materials to create the project. Additional supplies will not be needed. 

Thanks for all your support and have a great weekend! 

September 14 - 18

We've had a great week, and are starting to settle into a routine with our students. We have enjoyed learning about their favorite activities, their adorable pets, and their exciting adventures they have planned! 

This week we started meeting in small groups in both reading and math. Small groups are held right after our Live Lesson ends. In reading we are practicing fluency, and decoding by reading the Letterland Play. In math we are going over the math concept of the day, and practicing our math skills. 

*Please make sure students have the following supplies near their work area during the school day:
      Composition books -  Word Work, Math, Writing Journal, and Math Binder with hole punched math pages from Wake County

Next week at a glance:

Letterland:  Closed and open syllables -  short sounds  a, i, u,   long sounds i, u
There will be daily activities in the Word Work Journal as well as Kids A to Z spelling practice. Please make sure students take the spelling pretest and the final spelling test at the end of the week. Once they take the final spelling test the spelling games can not be accessed. 

EL - Unit 1 School and Community 
We will be reading "The Invisible Boy" and discussing how the main character feels in the story.  Follow up activities are in the EL workbook and in Google Classroom. 

Math - In math we will be finishing up odd and even and starting make a ten strategies. There will be a quiz on number lines and even and odd on Thursday. It will be assigned in the Google Classroom. Please make sure students have thier math pages in their binders for asynchronous time. 

Science -  Next week we will begin our unit on sound. Students will discover how sound is produced by vibrating objects, and how sound travels through the air in waves. 

Thanks for all your support and have a great long weekend! 

August 31 - Sept. 4

We are off to a great start! Students have been busy learning how to navigate the Google Classroom, turn in their work, view comments from teachers, and participate throughout the day in Google Meets. We are so proud of how much they have learned in such a short time! We have been very busy in our virtual classrooms. 

***Please make sure students have the following supplies near their work area during the school day:
      Composition books -  Word Work, Math, Writing Journal, and Math Binder with hole punched math pages from Wake County

Next week at a glance:

Letterland:  Long E and Long O sounds   
There will be daily activities in the Word Work Journal as well as Kids A to Z spelling practice Please make sure students take the spelling pretest and the final spelling test at the end of the week. Once they take the final spelling test the spelling games can not be accessed. 
*We will be adding optional games to  Kids A to Z for vocabulary practice. 

EL - Unit 1 Schools and Communities 
We will be discussing schools, what we learn, and how schools are different in communities around the world. Follow up activities in EL workbook and assignments in Google Classroom. 

Math - In math we will practice adding with number lines, measuring distance by making paper airplanes, and using what we know about numbers to decide if they are odd or even. Please make sure their student math pages are in their binders for next week. 

Social Studies -  We will be discussing more about our community, and the different workers we rely on in our local community. We will also be learning about laws and how it is important to follow them. 

Enjoy the weekend!